A healthy sex life is very important, as research has shown that it provides great benefits to the mind and body. Yet, as high as 43% of women, are reportedly suffering from various sexual dysfunctions such as poor lubrication, painful sex and inability to orgasm. Fortunately, there is a natural, almost painless and quick non-surgical treatment that may relieve both men and women from these sexual dysfunctions: PRP Vaginal Rejuvenation is an innovative approach to helping resolve sexual dysfunctions in women using purely natural means. The process involves using the patient's own platelets to rejuvenate and revitalize her genital tissues.

The result of this is a dramatically increased sensitivity and improved sexual health. For women, it can also give them relief from urinary stress incontinence. The PRP Vaginal Rejuvenation involves two to four tiny injections into specific areas of the female anatomy, namely around the base of Clitoris. The area is located just inside the vagina on the anterior wall. To make the process painless, a numbing cream is first applied to the areas, 10 - 20 minutes before the injection. After the treatment, many women who suffer from urinary stress incontinence, experience relief. Improvement in sexual sensation and function is usually noticed between 3 weeks to 6 weeks after treatment and patient reporting have shown these improvements continue for up to one year. The PRP Vaginal Rejuvenation has been shown to boost the confidence and quality of life in women.

程序可以提高性能力,圣amina, and sensation, resulting in a greater satisfaction with your sex life

PRP阴道修复手术治疗in Udaipur


  • 1) Stronger and more frequent orgasms
  • 2) Increased sexual desire
  • 3) Younger, smoother skin of the vulva (vaginal lips)
  • 4) Tighter vaginal opening
  • 5) Decreased pain for those with dyspareunia (painful intercourse)
  • 6) Increased natural lubrication
  • 7) Decreased urinary incontinence

Why Choose Star Hospital for PRP.

AtStar Hospital Udaipurthere is the best combination team of a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon and an experienced and senior Gynaecologist trained in such procedures giving excellent results.

female Sexual Dysfunctions treatment in udaipur